Official Plan Amendments
Groundswell provides assistance and coordination for Planning Applications from the onset to final approval. Groundswell prepares the justification report, amendment text and figures to implement the amendment and works with the other consultants to submit the necessary requirements to produce a complete Official Plan Amendment application. Groundswell also prepares and presents the application to Council and the Public at the Statutory Public Meeting. Groundswell is highly involved in a cooperative effort with other project consultants, municipal staff, politicians and other stakeholders to ensure approval at Council.
Rezoning Applications
Groundswell works closely with municipal staff and project consultants to prepare the appropriate materials to support a rezoning application. Groundswell prepares the justification report, detailed text amendment and figures for the application to ensure that site-specific zoning standards are implemented to accommodate the proposed development. Groundswell also prepares and presents the application to Council and the Public at the Statutory Public Meeting and follows through to final approval. Similar to the Planning Applications, Groundswell coordinates with other project members to ensure approval.
Site Plan Approval
Site Plan Approval is needed for properties undergoing change where specific site details are being determined – the type and location of landscaping, access, walkways and pathways, vehicular and emergency access, detailed grading and servicing, and the interface with adjacent properties and buildings. Site Plan Approval is often required for properties after land use changes (Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments) are approved. Groundswell works with the consultant team to submit complete application packages, facilitate the review and circulation by municipal staff, and expedite the Site Plan Agreement for the client.
Committee of Adjustment Applications
Whether you are looking to subdivide a property (consent/severance application) or do not meet certain zoning standards (minor variance application) for your development, Groundswell has extensive experience when dealing with applications before the Committee of Adjustment. Groundswell will consult with municipal staff to fully understand the policies affecting your consent and/or minor variance application. Groundswell will prepare the applications and figures to illustrate to the Committee the specific needs and will represent your application at the Committee of Adjustment.